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Oregon Dog Bite Attorney

Have you been injured in a dog attack?

If you’ve been attacked or bitten by a dog, it can be difficult to know what to do next. You may not even know if the owner of the animal is liable for your injuries. That’s where the dog bite attorney Chad Stavley can help. He has 14 years of experience representing people who have suffered serious injuries from dangerous dog attacks and will fight hard on your behalf to get you justice.

You need an experienced Portland dog bite attorney like Chad Stavley on your side when dealing with a dog attack case.  Chad knows how insurance companies work and how they operate behind closed doors so that they don’t have to pay out claims quickly or fairly. Insurance adjusters will try hard to pay victims less money than they should and will make things more complicated than necessary for those seeking compensation after a dog bite injury. Don’t let them take advantage of you!  

Let Mr. Stavley handle everything while you focus on recovering from your bite injuries and getting back into life as usual again as soon as possible. Call (503) 546-8812 today for a free consultation with Oregon's top-rated dog bite lawyer.

Portland Dog Bite Lawyer With a History of Results

Chad Stavley has a long history of getting results for clients who have been injured by dangerous dogs. He is passionate about helping these victims get the compensation they deserve, and he has a proven track record of success, including the largest dog bite verdict ever reported in Oregon.

In one recent case, Mr. Stavley represented a child who had been bitten by a dog at a local restaurant. The victim suffered facial injuries, including multiple puncture wounds that became infected and required hospitalization. Mr. Stavley fought hard to get her the compensation she needed to cover her medical expenses and other damages. In the end, her medical bills were paid, and she received a $300,000 "policy limit" settlement from the dog owner's insurance company.

Another of Mr. Stavley's cases involved a dog bite accident that occurred at the Portland International Airport when an "emotional support animal" attacked a young girl waiting for a plane with her family. Mr. Stavley filed a lawsuit against the dog owner, the airport, and the air carrier - Alaska Airlines.  The case received worldwide media attention and forced policymakers to address the rampant fraud involved in getting an "emotional support animal" designation.   Shortly after this case was resolved, the United States Department of Transportation revised its rules, and "emotional support animals" are no longer considered service animals and are therefore not allowed on flights.

ABC News article
Washington Post article
BBC article
Dark barking

Oregon Dog Bite Injury Law

Even many Oregon personal injury lawyers who hold themselves out as dog bite lawyers, don't seem to understand Oregon's dog bite laws.  They often talk about a "one bite rule" that prohibits holding dog owners accountable unless the owner is aware of a prior bite.  There is no "one bite" rule.  If a dog has shown itself to be dangerous in the past, the owner is liable when the dog bites in the future.

Every dog bite personal injury claim in Oregon generally falls into one of three categories. Each of these categories of cases is treated differently under Oregon dog bite law.  It is important that you understand these different types of dog bite cases.

Category One - The dog has a history of aggression.

When a dog has a history of aggression, whether that aggression is in the form of a bite, attack, or other dangerous conduct, and the owner knew, the owner is strictly liable.  Strict liability means that the bite victim does not have to prove negligence.  The owner of the dog is liable whether they were trying to be cautious or not.

We investigate all dog bite injuries to see if the case should fall in this category.  We contact animal control to see if they have previous reports of dog bites or aggressiveness related to the dog. Our investigators interview neighbors to see if they are aware of any prior dog attacks, dog bites, aggressiveness, or conduct that might trigger strict liability.  We even established strict liability one time by interviewing the mailman.  Other ways to establish strict liability and make sure the owner is held liable can be through warning signs.  The Oregon Court of Appeals established that a "Beware of Dog" sign was sufficient evidence to show an awareness of prior aggression.  

Category Two - The dog has no history of aggression but the owner violated a local animal control law.

The second category of dog bite injury cases involves a dog with no history of aggressive conduct but the dog was not on a leash or under the control of the owner, and the location where the attack occurred has a local leash law.

Many counties and cities require dog owners to have their animals leashed or otherwise controlled while in public. If you can prove that the dog owner violated a city or county animal control law, you can establish negligence. A good dog bite attorney will know to look at the county and city ordinances where the dog bite happened to see if the dog's owner was acting illegally.

For information on leash laws in every Oregon county see our Oregon leash laws page.

Category Three - The dog has no history of aggression and the owner did not violate any local leash law.

The third category of Oregon dog bite injury cases is when an owner has no knowledge of any aggressiveness on the part of their dog and is not violating a local leash law or ordinance. In this category of dog bite personal injury cases, the dog's owner is strict liability but only for the “economic damages” caused by the attack. This economic damages-only provision is established by Oregon law in ORS 31.360.

Economic damages include things like medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages suffered by the victim. In these cases, the victim cannot obtain compensation for non-economic losses that people sometimes call “pain and suffering.”

If you suffered a significant dog bite injury, call a dog attack lawyer familiar with dog bites to discuss your options. Chad Stavley handles dog bite cases throughout Oregon and Washington. Our law firm offers free consultations. Call 503-546-8812.

Common Injuries in Dog Attacks

A dog bite or dog attack can result in serious injuries, significant medical expenses, and future medical expenses.  The injuries can come from the bite itself, falls while trying to avoid an attack or even infections from the bite. We have handled cases with injuries, including:

  • Nerve damage
  • Facial scarring
  • Broken bones from falls during attacks
  • Ligament and tendon ruptures or tears
  • Bite wounds that require medical attention
  • Infections

If you suffered injuries after being attacked or bitten, contact Portland-based lawyer Chad Stavley.  Make sure the dog's owner and their insurance companies own up to their responsibilities.  

Issues That Can Impact Collecting Your Damages

Every good personal injury attorney knows that establishing liability and proving your damages is worthless if you can't collect money from somewhere to pay for those damages.  Generally speaking, the recovery comes from the insurance company of the person who owns or possesses the dangerous dog.  Homeowners insurance and renters insurance both normally cover damages from a dog bite injury.

Homeowners Insurance

If the dog owner owns a home, the likelihood is that they have homeowners insurance.  Typically those policies start with limits of $300,000 and can go much higher.  Dog bites are one of the most common claims on homeowners' policies.  If the owner refuses to provide their insurance information, we can get that information by filing a lawsuit.  

Renters Insurance

If the dog owner is a renter, our law firm will see if they have renters insurance that covers the bite. Many attorneys do not want to handle these cases because the dog owner's renters policy may have low limits.  

But what happens when the dog attack happens, and the owner does not own a home or have renter's insurance?

Holding Landlords Responsible In Oregon Dog Bite Cases

In Oregon, a landlord can be held liable for the injuries caused by their tenant dog owner in limited circumstances.  First, the landlord must, at the time of entering into the lease, renewing the lease, or at any time during an at-will tenancy, know about the continuing danger presented by the tenant's dog and that the dog presents an unreasonable risk of harm to third parties off the rental property.  

This would include situations where the landlord is aware that the dog has attacked or bitten in the past and nonetheless leases or renews a lease to the dog owners when the landlord knows children are likely to come into contact with the dog.  As is true in all such cases, the more extreme the behavior of the landlord, the more likely a court will find that it is legally permissible for a case against a landlord to move forward. If you have a situation like this, it is important to get a free consultation with a lawyer familiar with representing victims of dog attacks.  

Representing Child Victims

Children are the most common victims of dog attacks and the least able to fight for themselves.  In any claim for a child victim, there are additional challenges.  Establishing negligence can be more difficult when the child is too young to say what happened.  The attorneys for the dog owner may claim the child provoked the dog. Our firm has represented the interests of many children clients.  

There are several legal requirements required of an attorney representing child clients.  First, except in small cases, the attorney must establish someone as the guardian ad litem (GAL) or conservator so that that person can legally act on behalf of the child.  Once a GAL or conservator is legally established, that person makes the decisions for the child, including whether to file a lawsuit and whether to settle claims or go to trial.  

Any settlements that net the child more than $25,000 require court approval in Oregon. the attorney will file a petition with the Court asking for approval of the proposed settlement.  If the attorney collects money for the minor, by settlement or verdict, the conservator has a fiduciary duty to the child and must manage the child's money appropriately.  This can be overwhelming for most people.  You should contact Portland dog bite lawyer Chad Stavley for a free consultation and free confidential case evaluation.  

Why Choose Chad Stavley?

  • No lawyer in Oregon has recovered more money on dog bite attack cases.
  • Over 80 Five Star reviews.  
  • Chad is a trial lawyer.  If your case doesn't settle, he is comfortable taking cases to a jury and getting results.  
  • We represent clients throughout Oregon and Washington.  
  • Convenient office location in Northwest Portland.  
  • We offer free consultations.  You get to understand all your options and it doesn't cost you anything.
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Featured Dog Attack Cases

Questions About Dog Bites & Attacks

Are dog bite laws the same throughout Oregon?
Can I sue for a dog bite injury in Portland, OR?
How long does it take for a dog bite case to resolve?
What should do if I was bitten by a dog?
Can I get my medical bills paid while this case is getting sorted out?
Is my case even worth pursuing if my only long-term damage is scarring?
You are in Portland and I am far away, should I contact you or get a dog bite attorney near me?
The dog bite case I want to discuss involves my child. Do you handle dog bite cases for children?
The owner of the dog is a family member. I want the insurance company held responsible, but I do not want my family member to suffer any financial hardship. Is that possible?
I am looking for a dog bite lawyer to get a settlement. I do not want to file a lawsuit or go to a trial. Can you do that?
What kind of evidence is important in an animal attack case?
I have reached out to other dog bite lawyers and they have not been interested in my case. Why am I having such a hard time finding a dog bite lawyer?
What are common injuries you have seen from animal bites?
What if I was injured by a dog but I was not bitten?

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